2023年全新舞台劇 《神奇的秘密日記》Secret of the Mystical Diary
Arts+Tech STEAM劇場☆粵語演出
地點:荃灣大會堂 文娛廳
2023年2月11日(六)3:00pm | 7:30pm
2023年2月12日(日)11:00am | 3:00pm
康樂及文化事務署「冬日開懷集」系列演出 詳情
門票於城市電腦售票網(Urbtix)發售 立即購票
【原創Arts+Tech x 跨媒體兒童劇場 ☆ 改寫日記,轉動命運之輪!】
🤩 故事演出後特設 舞台探索環節 ,帶領大小觀眾一同拆解舞台互動藝術科技的秘密,啟發創科潛能
🌟 集科技、表演藝術及音樂於一身, 觀眾不單以觀賞者角度欣賞演出,更加可以參與其中,享受與眾不同的藝術體驗!
📚 故事簡介:多莉與嫲嫲一同經營士多,專賣懷舊零食和自家製咸魚。在士多閣樓,多莉發現了封塵的舊日記,當打開日記後,不可思議的旅程從此開始。
📆 日期:2023年2月10至12日(星期五至日)
📍 地點:荃灣大會堂 #文娛廳
🎫 票價:HK$220 門票 / $120 優惠票
🧒🏻👦🏻 歡迎3歲或以上觀眾
全日制學生 (優惠票價: $120)
60歲或以上的高齡人士 (優惠票價: $120)
殘疾人士及看護人* (優惠票價: $120)
綜合社會保障援助受惠人 (優惠票價: $120)
* 顧客每購買一張殘疾人士優惠門票,即可同時以相同優惠購買一張門票予看護人。
門票於2023年1月6日 上午10時起在各城市售票網售票處、網上、流動購票應用程式及信用卡電話購票熱線發售。
每次購買4-9張舞台演出的正價門票 (九折優惠)
每次購買10-19張舞台演出的正價門票 (八五折優惠)
每次購買20張或以上舞台演出的正價門票 (八折優惠)
每次購買2場不同舞台演出的正價門票 (九折優惠)
每次購買3場不同舞台演出的正價門票 (八五折優惠)
每次購買4場或以上不同舞台演出的正價門票 (八折優惠)
創作及製作人員名單 Creative and Production Team
藝術總監及聯合監製 | Artistic Director & Co-producer | 王啟敏 | Teresa Wong |
製作總監及聯合監製 | Production Director & Co-producer | 陳翔 | Kristopher Chan |
導演及編劇 | Director & Playwright | 杜曉彤 | Total To |
燈光設計 | Lighting Designer | 吳家慧 | Dikky Ng |
音響設計 | Sound Designer | 梁梓楹 | Leung Chi-ying Char |
佈景及服裝設計 | Set and Costume Designer | 余逢傑 | Yue Fung-kit |
多媒體及錄像設計 | Multimedia and Video Designer | 梁譽 | Leung Yu |
楊皓霖 | Yeung Ho-lam | ||
張晉豪 | Cheung Chun-ho | ||
傳訊總監及前台經理 | Communications Director & FOH Manager | 劉雅婷 | Lau Nga-ting |
資訊科技總監 | Information Technology Director | 孫新輝 | Peter Suen |
宣傳及平面設計 | Publicity and Graphic Designer | 吳溢曦 | Toby Ng |
Story: Dolly’s grandmother owns a small grocery store who specializes in selling traditional snacks and self-made salted fish. Dolly went on a fascinating journey once she opened the mystical diary in store’s attic.
This is an original Arts+Tech x multimedia children’s theatre show. Come experience the exciting Arts+Tech performance with a combination of lighting, sound, projection and interactive set & props. Fascinating scientific technologies and creative experiments are going to run through the entire performance.
We strive to develop and create barrier-free, creative and interactive theatre show. Let’s enjoy a unique artistic experience that brings fantasy with technology to reality.
Let’s explore the fantasy world together! After the performance, audiences can find out more about the great secret of theatre through our backstage post-talk!
Cantonese Children’s Show lasts for approximately 70 minutes without intermission including Stage Exploration, suitable for 3+ ages
Each ticket admits one person
Tickets available from 6 January 10am onwards at all URBTIX outlets, on internet, mobile app and credit card telephone booking.
Ticket Price: $220
Full-time Students (Discounted price: $120)
Senior Citizens Aged 60 or Above (Discounted price: $120)
People with Disabilities & the Minder* (Discounted price: $120)
Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Recipients (Discounted price: $120)
* For purchase of each concessionary ticket for people with disabilities, the customer can purchase one ticket of same concession for a minder.
‘Cheers!’ Series Group Booking Discount:
Each purchase of 4-9 standard tickets for stage shows (10% off)
Each purchase of 10-19 standard tickets for stage shows (15% off)
Each purchase of 20 or more standard tickets for stage shows (20% off)
‘Cheers!’ Series Package Discount:
Each purchase of standard tickets for 2 different stage shows (10% off)
Each purchase of standard tickets for 3 different stage shows (15% off)
Each purchase of standard tickets for 4 or more different stage shows (20% off)
‘Cheers!’ Series Family Package Discount:
Each Purchase of 2 standard tickets and 1 student concessionary ticket of the same stage show (standard tickets 20% off)