2022社區文化大使 ‧ 跳樂劇團 主辦
《上天下海 ‧ 玩轉奇妙顛倒世界 Upside Down ‧ A Wonderful World》
Arts+Tech x 沉浸式劇場 x 展覽
、投影及互動的跨媒體佈景道具,親身經歷「不一樣的世界,Wonderful World」,感受嶄新的劇場體驗
❚ 故事簡介 ❚
❚ 演出資料 ❚
16.12.2022 (星期五 Fri) 4pm, 6:30pm, 8:30pm
17 – 18 .12.2022 (星期六至日 Sat to Sun) 10am, 11:30am, 2pm, 4pm, 6:30pm, 8:30pm
19.12.2022 (星期一 Mon) 4pm, 6:30pm, 8:30pm
25–27.12.2022 (星期日至二 Sun to Tue) 11:30am, 2pm, 4pm, 7pm
28–30.12.2022 (星期三至五 Wed to Fri) 2pm, 5pm
❚創作及製作人員名單 Creative and Production Team ❚
藝術總監及科技展覽演出策劃 | Artistic Director & Curator | 王啟敏 | Teresa Wong |
製作總監及科技展覽演出策劃 | Production Director & Curator | 陳翔 | Kristopher Chan |
導演及編劇 | Director & Playwright | 杜曉彤 | Total To |
演員 | Actors | 曾俊詠 | Tsang Chun-wing |
胡仲星 | Woo Chung-sing | ||
莊芍琳 | Chong Cheuk-lam | ||
張迪琪 | Cheung Tik-ki | ||
燈光設計 | Lighting Designer | 吳家慧 | Ng Ka-wai Dikky |
音響設計 | Sound Designer | 梁思樺 | Leung Sze-wah |
佈景及視覺藝術設計 | Set and Visual Designer | 余逢傑 | Yue Fung-kit |
佈景及道具製作 | Set and Props Maker | 譚樂怡 | Tam Lok-yee |
譚詠霖 | Tam Wing-lam | ||
互動影像及多媒體設計 | Interactive Video and Multimedia Designer | 梁譽@Magic Hour Production | Leung Yu @ Magic Hour Production |
楊浩霖 @ Magic Hour Production | Yeung Ho-lam @ Magic Hour Production | ||
互動影像及多媒體設計助理 | Interactive Video and Multimedia Design Assistant | 張晉豪 @ Magic Hour Production | Cheung Chun-ho @ Magic Hour Production |
梁文豐 | Leung Man-fung | ||
舞台監督 | Stage Manager | 劉世偉 | Lau Sai-wai |
助理舞台監督 | Assistant Stage Manager | 呂婉儀 | Christine Lui |
Arts+Tech科技技術研發總監 | Arts+Tech Technical Director | 余紹寧 | Yu Siu-ning |
舞台技師 | Stage Crew | 吳紫靈 | Kami Ng |
梁皓然 | Leung Ho-yin | ||
關頴琪 | Kwan Wing-ki | ||
郭珮穎 | Kwok Pui-wing | ||
宣傳及前台經理 | Publicity and FOH Manager | 劉雅婷 | Candy Lau |
宣傳及前台助理 | Publicity and FOH Assistant | 盧諾晞 | Sebastian Lo |
資訊科技總監 | Information Technology Director | 孫新輝 | Peter Suen |
平面設計 | Graphic Design | 吳溢曦 | Toby Ng |
❚ 網上登記,免費入場 ❚
Community Cultural Ambassador 2022
Upside Down‧A Wonderful World Arts+Tech x Immersive Theatre x Exhibition
“Whales in the sky, fish in the sea, and stars scattered on the ground.”
Immerse yourself in a spectacular theatrical experience at Art x Tech!
Walk into a stunning garden filled with glowing flowers and hear the whispers of the ocean and stars. Experience a ‘different and wonderful world’ through interacting in a fusion of theatrical elements with advanced technology, novel science experiments.
Free admission by online registration
Conducted in Cantonese
Places are limited. First-come-first-served.
❚ Synopsis ❚
Chugga-chugga choo-choo!
Final call to board the JAM Island Express! A fantastic journey awaits!
The captain is going to take us on a journey that begins right now and ends somewhere in the future.
We will be transported back in time to the days of old Hong Kong. We will learn about the tales, meet the people who dried salted fish at the grocery store, and take part in the games the children played. What secrets will we find in the store keeper’s salted fish?
We will be heading next to the stunning and revolutionary metropolis of the future.
Experience the upside-down zoo hidden in a green scenery. You can feed the massive whales that soar through the air, watch fish swim through the sky. Step into a land with the stars as well as the scientist’s secret garden filled with giant lemons and optical fiber flowers.
Experience the joy of interacting through a screen that neither you have experienced before.
Now get ready to go on an incredible adventure with us!
Former North Kowloon Magistracy
Address: No.292, Tai Po Road, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon
16.12.2022 (Fri) 4pm, 6:30pm, 8:30pm
17 – 18 .12.2022 (Sat to Sun) 10am, 11:30am, 2pm, 4pm, 6:30pm, 8:30pm
19.12.2022 (Mon) 4pm, 6:30pm, 8:30pm
Hall Cheung Sha Wan Community Centre
Address: 55 Fat Tseung Street, Kowloon
25–27.12.2022 (Sun to Tue) 11:30am, 2pm, 4pm, 7pm
28–30.12.2022 (Wed to Fri) 2pm, 5pm